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Experience attentive podiatry care at SW Podiatry & Health Clinic. Our team of professionals are dedicated to providing quality service and treatments to have your feet feeling their best. Check out the treatments we have to offer and book an appointment today and get on the path to better foot health!

Dermal Fillers 

Podiatrist injection treatment
Before and after Curacorn patient

Curacorn® is a novel treatment for corns and calluses. The filler uses a highly viscous formulation of Hyaluronic Acid (HA). HA is a naturally occurring substance, most often found in the joints, therefore it is biocompatible with very few side effects.


We are the ONLY clinic in Cornwall to offer this treatment!


The filler is injected underneath a corn or callus. This causes a response in the body that provokes the formation of collagen and draws fluid towards the area.  A comfortable, natural cushion forms between the bone and the skin, providing long term relief from those long-standing painful lesions on the feet. Our patients are able to live the pain free life they want to. Be it to participate in sports, run around after children, grand-children or reduce the risk of ulceration in high pressure areas.


Curacorn®️ has been developed to help tackle these problems. The ‘cushion’ underneath a lesion decreases the production of callus and corns, ultimately relieving the pain associated with them.  The high viscosity of Curacorn® has proved not to disperse under the pressure of walking or the forces exerted on feet from footwear. It's effects can last up to 18 months.

Nail Reconstruction

PediSafe® is a nail enhancing reconstructing system. Curable under UV light, it contains antifungal and antimicrobial agents. It is used for enhancing damaged nails, e.g. by fungus or injury, and to correct ingrowing nails. The procedure is carried out by Shelly and it presents many benefits. This treatment can last up to 8 weeks, sometimes even longer! It gives patients so much confidence and you can apply nail polish on top.

Pedisafe before and after

Verruca | Plantar Wart

Verruca on sole of foot

Verrucas, also known as plantar warts, are a common skin condition caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). They are usually found on the soles of the feet and can be painful and discomforting. At our Podiatry clinic, we can provide treatments to help alleviate the pain and reduce the size of the verruca. Verrucas are easily spread from person to person, especially in communal areas, like changing rooms. If you think you may have a verruca, it is important to seek professional advice from a podiatrist to ensure the best treatment for your condition.

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toe-nails are a common problem. Typically caused by a sharp spike of nail that penetrates the adjacent skin. The toe may become inflamed or even infected. This may occur due to the way someone walks and or stands, if they have any foot deformities, poor fitting footwear and the shape of the toe-nail or the way they have been cut. We will resect the spike of nail to ease discomfort.

Podiatrist trimming toenails
Aftercare dressings for toe nail surgery patient

Toenail Surgery

Nail surgery is a permanent solution for those who constantly suffers with ingrown toenails. At SW Podiatry & Health Clinic a Podiatrist will carry out a small surgical procedure, using a local anaesthetic, we then remove the offending part of the nail and dress the toenail. This treatment includes 3 follow up appointments, dressing changes and additional dressings to take home.

Corns and Callus

Corns and calluses are areas of hard, thickened skin that develop when the skin is exposed to excessive pressure or friction. They commonly occur on the feet and can cause pain and discomfort when you walk. At SW Podiatry & Health Clinic we can treat these to bring comfort back in every step.

Clinic setup at SW Podiatry

Padding and Strapping

Podiatrist padding for corns and calluses of the foot

Padding and strapping are used to relieve pressure, made bespoke to you. They alleviate discomfort and provide protection over vulnerable areas.

  • Padding is primarily used to deflect pressure from the lesion e.g. away from corns and painful callus, while also cushioning the area.

  • Strapping exerts pressure and hold a structure in place, this is used in treatments such as strains and sprains.

Diabetic Foot Care

The correct assessment, diagnosis and care of the diabetic foot can reduce the chances of developing complications associated with amputations and long term ulcers. Diabetes can affect feet in a variety of ways. One of the early changes is a condition known as Peripheral Neuropathy, this condition develops when high blood glucose levels cause damage to the nervous system, which may lead to altered sensations in your feet. Some people will experience pain or burning in their feet, although the most common symptom is a loss of sensation. This is problematic as injuries can go unnoticed. Nerve damage can also cause your toes to claw and the bones to become more predisposed to fractures.

At SW Podiatry we adhere to National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines relating to diabetes,  by ensuring that all our diabetic clients have regular reviews where the nerves and vascular status are assessed. Enabling us to identify and address potential risk factors. We also provide information and guidance on simple self-care measures enabling our clients to manage any conditions safely and limit possible complications.

Skeleton model of a foot

Routine Foot and Nail Care

Podiatrist filing hard skin off podiatry patient's foot

There are many reasons for seeking a Podiatrist or FHP (Foot Health Practitioner) for nail care and these can include:

  • ​Thickened unmanageable nails due to fungal infection or damaged nail beds.

  • Dry and cracked heels.

  • Unable to reach due to back injury, hip problems, general stiffness, pregnancy etc.

  • Loss of or impaired eyesight.

  • Arthritis or weakness in the hands.

  • Diabetics with impaired circulation and or loss of sensation.

  • Sufferers of Rheumatoid Arthritis.

​At SW Podiatry Clinic we are able to manage nail and foot care safely and professionally.

Our equipment and skill enables us to deal with the most awkward and unruly nail and foot conditions, allowing you to leave more comfortable.

Neurological and Vasscular Assessment

At SW Podiatry, all new clients receive a neurological and vascular assessment of the feet as part of their primary treatment, regular reviews will be carried out according to any risk factors identified.

Neurological assessments are carried out using a monofilament, it is a pain free evaluation that help identify potential nerve damage. Although diabetes is the most common cause of  nerve damage in the feet, it can occur for a variety of reasons.

Vascular assessment is carried out by examining the colour, temp and condition of the skin, noting patterns of leg and foot pains and by using doppler ultrasound. This non-invasive method is an invaluable screening tool for the signs and symptoms of peripheral arterial disease (PAD).

Clinic setup at SW Podiatry

Biomechanical Assesment

Reception welcome

The majority of people are not symmetrical and some may have an abnormal foot shape. This can affect the way you walk or stand. Whilst most people will adapt and suffer no consequences, occasionally, due to extra stress being placed on the joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments, problems can arise causing pain in the foot, ankle, knees and back.


A biomechanical assessment will check for any abnormalities and identify possible causes of pain. Treatment could then include exercises to improve flexibility and strength, and/or an orthotic device which will aim to provide cushioning, support and stability, off load injured areas, compensate or correct foot deformities and reduce the risk of additional injuries.


SW Podiatry & Health Clinic is a professional and experienced team of podiatrists and health care providers. Offering a wide range of services from routine foot care to advanced treatments, such as, dermatoscopy used for detection of skin lesions and even melanoma for relevant referral. Our clinic is committed to providing the highest quality of care and the latest advancements in podiatry. We strive to ensure that our patients receive the best care and treatment for their feet and overall health.

Podiatrist examining a foot for dermoscopy assessment

Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy machine

Radial Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (r-ESWT) is an evidence-based treatment that involves passing low energy pressure waves into damaged tissues to increase blood flow and stimulate repair whilst reducing pain and allowing your body to restart its own natural healing process.

This treatment is widely used in physiotherapy, podiatry, osteopathy, sports medicine and orthopaedics to provide fast pain relief and increased mobility. Shockwave Therapy is clinically proven, recognised by the top orthopaedic hospitals and used by high-profile professional sports bodies.

The therapy eliminates pain or restores mobility, thus improving your quality of life. In chronic conditions alone, an overall success rate ranges from 60-80% when other therapeutic treatments have been unsuccessful. At SW Clinic, Shelly uses this therapy to treat plantar fasciitis and achilles tendinopathy.


SW Podiatry & Health Clinic

Homeleigh Garden Centre




PL15 9SP

Opening Hours:

Mon - Fri: 8:20am - 5:30pm

Please call to discuss Saturday availability.



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© 2023 by SW Podiatry & Health Clinic.

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